This innovative Chinese Flashcards app from Clavis Sinica uses a unique multiple-choice format and wide-ranging usage examples to help you master Chinese characters and radicals. The app includes 19 built-in flashcard sets for a total of over 2,130 vocabulary items.
The Class I character set contains the 300 most commonly used characters in modern Chinese, the Class II set contains the next 500 most frequently used characters, while the Class III set contains the next 782. The Radicals set includes all 189 character radicals.
You can view common usage examples for any character or radical to help you learn and remember unfamiliar items. For any character, you can view a list of common compound words in which it is used. For any radical, you can view a list of common characters that it forms. Both types of usage list include characters, pinyin, and English definitions.
In addition, fifteen theme-based sets each include 25 commonly used words relating to everyday categories such as academic subjects, animals, beverages, body parts, business terms, colors, countries, food, weather, and so on.
Characters can be displayed in either simplified or traditional form. The cards in the character and radical sets are arranged in order of increasing complexity, making it easy to work your way up from simpler to harder. Cards you get wrong are automatically reinserted into your current deck. A final score is displayed as a percentage at the end of each session.
When you answer an item incorrectly on any test, it is added to a personal Review List, so you can go back and work on less familiar characters separately at any time. Review List flashcard sessions incorporate a spaced repetition algorithm, so that youll encounter more frequently the items that youve missed most often in the past. Items are removed from the Review List only after youve answered them correctly several times in a row in different review sessions.